Great Debates in Christianity
Join us on Sundays in the parlor for Adult Education as Pastor Hopgood leads us in a study of great debates in Christianity. Over the course of the next five weeks, we will look at early church conflicts which shaped our understanding of who Jesus is and how he and the Holy Spirit relate to God. No prior knowledge or reading required!
Senior Fellowship
Senior Fellowship will be hosting a concert by the 30 member William Tennent Chorale at 12:30 on December 17 in Fellowship Hall. All are welcome.
Breakfast with Santa
Breakfast with Santa 8:30-10:30 AM on Sat. Dec. 2. Enjoy delicious pancakes, greet Santa, hear the Christmas story. Option for pictures with Santa.
Cast Your Cares
Help those in need in Kensington. Especially looking for strong volunteers who can help move tables into place.
Pie Fellowship
Immediately following the Thanksgiving Eve service, in Fellowship Hall. Hope to see you there!
Thanksgiving Eve Service
Thanksgiving Eve service, a great way to give thanks before the big day. In person and live-streamed.
Senior Fellowship Luncheon
Senior Fellowship will be holding their Fall Luncheon on Tuesday November 19 In Fellowship Hall at 1:30. Cost is $10/pp. Come out for tasty food and fellowship, and hear about exciting events that are being planned.
Thanksgiving Food Bags
It's time to start thinking about Thanksgiving. We are planning on doing our usual Thanksgiving bags to give to families in need.
Blood Drive
The Red Cross is in need of blood donors. They are giving every registered donor a $10 Amazon gift card and the opportunity to win a $7,000 gift card. Click on the picture for more information and for a link to register.
Trunk or Treat
TRUNK OR TREAT Join us on Sunday, October 20th for our family-friendly Halloween event! This event is open to the entire community! Registration is strongly encouraged. Please register by October 12th.
Adult Forum
On Sunday October 20 during the Education Hour a representative from the Bucks County Opportunity Council will be speaking about the work they do to reduce poverty and promote self-sufficiency to those in need in the Bucks County community. Grab some coffee and join us in the Parlor at 10:15 for this informative presentation.
GSLC Cash Bingo
This event has been canceled due to insufficient ticket sales. Watch for future dates.
Cast Your Cares
Help those in need in Kensington. Grilling season begins! Click on the image to see how you can help.
Cast Your Cares
Help those in need in Kensington. Grilling season begins! Click on the image to see how you can help.
Trenton Thunder
Join us for Faith & Family Night when Trenton Thunder plays West Virginia Black Bears. Tickets are $8! That’s a real entertainment bargain!
Contact Stephanie Leach for more information. Hope to see you there!
Cast Your Cares
Help those in need in Kensington. Grilling season begins! Click on the image to see how you can help.
Senior Fellowship
Come out to the SENIOR FELLOWSHIP luncheon on Tuesday June 18 at 1:30 in Fellowship Hall. Cost is $10/pp.
There will be tasty food, information, and entertainment.
All are welcome!
Clothing Drive
Please help the youth raise fund for their mission trip by donating items from the “accepted items” list. Drop off will be Saturday, June 15th, 2024 between 10 am and 12 pm at the Plum Street entrance.
Father's Day Barbecue
Please join us to celebrate all the Fathers in the congregation! Bring your Father, Grandfather, Godfather and Uncles to enjoy a nice BBQ in Fellowship Hall. If possible, please wear a sports themed shirt! This is a FREE event, but free will offerings will be accepted.
If you are willing to help, please contact Stephanie Leach or sign up in Fellowship Hall.
Golf Outing
16th Annual Golf Outing & Spring Banquet
Monday, June 3rd
Five Ponds Golf Course
If you like to golf, recruit some friends to create a foursome or sign up as a single golfer and you will be paired with other golfers. If you don't like to golf, please join us for dinner! We are also looking for hole sponsors, prize sponsors and raffle basket donations. For more information, please download the brochure or contact Lori Donahue.
Senior Fellowship
Senior Fellowship is hosting a representative from the Bucks County Area Agency on Aging who will be providing a presentation on the agency services at 1:30 on Tuesday May 21 in Fellowship Hall. All are welcome!