Annual Youth Hoagie Sale
Who: Junior High and Senior High Youth
Why: To support the summer mission trip
Cost: $13 per hoagie
If interested in ordering, please fill out the form in the newsletter or submit your order here. Payment may be made on-line or in person and handed to any member of the youth group on Sunday mornings.
Youth Group Fundraiser - Buy a Mile
Our youth group is heading to Newark, NY to participate in the Week of Hope! This is our yearly Mission Trip and we are so excited to go!
WILL YOU HELP US GET THERE BY PURCHASING A MILE FOR $5.00? Our trip is a total of 620 miles!!!
All proceeds will help offset the cost of the van tolls and gas. You can send your donation to the church office, hand to a youth member at church or use the donate button to make a donation online.
We greatly appreciate your support!
Praying For Others
Prayer is comforting
Prayer is powerful
You can help provide comfort by praying for others. When people ask for prayers for their loved ones they feel peace knowing others are joining in their prayers. Find out how to help.
Food Bank Donations
Bobbi and Wayne Goerlich are accepting donations for Jesus Focus Food Bank.
Help Our Afghan Allies
Your gift to Neighbors in Need: Afghan Allies will provide food, housing assistance, clothing, and other basic needs for our Afghan friends as they await the official services available to them.